
Everyone is talking about Industry 4.0 at the moment. Based on a scientific study by Frey and Osborne (2013) about the “Likelihood of the robotisation of the American labour market”, this was related to the Federal Republic of Germany by IngDiBa using the employment statistics provided by the Federal Employment Agency according to the classification of occupations in the German labour market.

The results are equally dramatic and alarming: of the 30.9 million employees subject to social security contributions and marginally employed people looked at in this study, 18.3 million jobs (or 59 %) are under threat in their current form from increasing digitisation in Germany.

To what extent this trend will actually take hold, we are not currently in a position to judge. We are helping companies, however, with “Finding your digital future strategy” and helping digital companies to market their products.

Get in touch with us about this under beratung@seiffert-consulting.de.